
I've always loved sunsets,

And the renewal that comes from a fresh start,

The hope and faith that it will all make sense,

But today was the opposite.

The sentient and drag of my human existence,

This hollow miasmic feel of despair,

Then I curse my lot and truly wallow in it.

But like an endless wormhole it swallows me whole.

Wasn't despair meant to give me relief?

But the more I wallow the more I loose.

So in a twist of fate 😌 in the midst of fear,

I attend a meeting and start to see myself,

Not as an uterly despotic loss but with a bit of sense.

And slowly through the turbulence of despair I take one step.

That step and my full focus on it.

That's how I'm dealing with my suffering.

One step.


Me and Now

